EMPOWER5 Are most of your JPGs bored of sitting in the wallet? The MISSTREE ones won't. Tire them out by sending them on missions while YOU collect all the rewards!
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EMPOWER5 Are most of your JPGs bored of sitting in the wallet? The MISSTREE ones won't. Tire them out by sending them on missions while YOU collect all the rewards!
Last updated
Get ready to send your Misstree on thrilling adventures! Missions are the main source of obtaining treasure and experience.
During the mission, NFT gets "soft staked". After 1-10 hours (depending on the mission), the lock opens, unleashing XP, gold coins, in-game currency, and other treasures.
So it's really worth being regular and participating in them as often as possible. Missions differ in the rewards you get for them, so choose carefully depending on what you need most at the moment.